Pages of Julie's Hightops

All About Me, Julie!

20 Random Facts About Me
  1. Most important of all, I'M RANDOM!
  2. I like... ICE CREAM
  3. Pomegranate
  4. Umbrella
  5. I know you're all thinking I'm quite crazy/stupid
  6. Was there a #4?
  7. Now you looked back to see if there was in fact, a #4. Aren't I phsycic?
  8. Blonde. Not really, I'm so NOT a valley girl (aka stupid).
  9. I believe that vampires are real, THEY'RE MOSQUITOES! :O
  10. I'm going to be 13 on July 18th, and that's as old as I'm getting. I'm going to keep having 13th birthday forever (like... someone... I'LL THINK OF SOMEONE LATER LOL)
  11. Fried Chicken is yummy
  12. Spam (a spam sandwhich, you know you want it XD)
  13. Ooh... unlucky
  14. Sarcasm
  15. Awesomeness
  16. New movies
  17. If you ask me about Twilight... DON'T ASK
  18. If you ask me about Glee... DON'T ASK
  19. You probably thought that when I asked you about Twilight/Glee, you thought you shouldn't ask because I'd go crazy. NO, the EXACT OPPOSITE (obviously, I GREATLY dislike them)
  20. I LOVE cats!