Pages of Julie's Hightops

June 29, 2010


OMGOSH! I got 9 followers! 9!!!!!!!!! Almost the first milestone of 10! Special thanks goes to.... Anne! Anne, I know I say this to ALL of my followers, but I am sooooooooo grateful for you following! My followers are quite important to me. If you have any requests, please comment below!

I also want to remind everyone of who first followed my blog... Chrissa Maxwell! She was the one who reassured me that people are interested in what I have to say!

REMINDER: I am going to the AGP on July 17th! Whoooooooo! Only about 3 more weeks! I can't wait! Eeeep! I will totally film for all of you guys, and post the videos on here!

1 comment:

Anne said...

You're welcome! :) I really like your blog! If you want, you can visit my blog too! Just click my name! Thanks!