Pages of Julie's Hightops

June 17, 2010

Going to the American Girl Place Denver! Whoo!

Hey peeps! Sorry about not making a post yesterday, but I was busy with Dani.

Let's get to the point. Official dates of going to the American Girl Place! Exactly 1 MONTH away from TODAY! You got it right folks, July 17 is when we're going, because we have church on my birthday, July 18th. We're going to Park Meadows, a mall in Colorado that has lots of stores (including an Apple (aka iPod) store), and has the newest American Girl store! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEH! I'm going to film there, but it takes hours to get there, so I won't be able to film the way there, unless I get super bored (Hopefully I can get a YouTube that same day, but I need permission and all of that stuff). So far, Dani (Danielle) has $90 to spend, and get about $5 a week in allowence, and can get a bit extra in babysitting. So, that's it for now peeps!
Peace Out!


Chrissa Maxwell said...

AWESOME! I hope you have a great time at the AG place, My owner (Melanie) is going the 29th!!
Be SURE to post about it, I'm dying to know what an AG place is like!!!

<3 Chrissa :D

Julie said...

Totally! I'm going to film! I am hoping to get a YouTube the same day!